It is crazy hard to pick something out for a girl aged anywhere between 12 and 24. Unless of course you ARE a girl aged 12 to 24. I have like a million girls this age to buy gifts for (triplet nieces don’t hurt). I am constantly trying to come up with something appropriate, cool, useful, tasteful, that they won’t hate and for which their mothers won’t kill me. I start worrying about it in October.
I do know charms, leather wrap bracelets and jewelry with soul are super hot right now, and I was beyond thrilled to find Lenny & Eva bracelets at City Art Works (which is a TOTAL find on Woodlawn at Park Rd by the Total Wine). (I seriously hate to even tell you about City Art Works, as I secretly love the jewelry at this store so much).
Leather cuff bracelets set up for interchangeable metal “sentiment” tags – as well as little charms – that hook right onto the cuff. (Also affordable wrap bracelets that can be hooked up with charms, sentiments etc). Love. Priced right – about $45 for a completed wide cuff.  Nieces, beware. Something Lenny & Eva this way comes.