is one of our go-to style site’s for what’s going on in the great beyond. And this week they’ve jumped on the Hunger Games beauty bandwagon, with How-To’s on the big looks from the movie for women and men. Our favorites are:
How to Do Your Own Braid like Katniss.
How to Do the Katniss Flame Nail Art.
The interwebs are FLOODED with posts, tutorials and inspired looks for Hunger Games nail art. You’ll find several on and Here are several we like: Katniss flame nail art tutorial on YouTube.’s review of Butter London’s Katniss glame nails.’s free-hand flame nails.’s photos of all the China Glaze Hunger Games collection.
In case you are more tame nails than flame nails, check out our post update on What’s New For Nail Colors in Spring/Summer 2012 here,
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