by Susu Bear
Is there any greater challenge? Other than peacefully coexisting with a teenager, that is? Getting them to pose for a holiday card photo, I’ll grant you that. Getting them out of their room to join the family for tree trimming, that too. But getting them a gift you are willing to give that they’ll actually use? That’s a tough one.
Cash is king, of course, always well-received, and a great fall-back. But just like everything else about these Wonder Years (ok, Freaks and Geeks), sometimes you and they want a more personal exchange. Here are a few ideas for you from online and the local shops.
A Unisex Gift – Give Music.
Yes, an iTunes gift card is obvious. But consider Vinyl. An older teen will love a Turntable and the start of a vinyl collection. This is the latest thing and g-r-o-w-i-n-g like crazy. We wouldn’t try to tell you how or which one to buy, but here’s some info from the NYT. And you can probably find all you need to know at Plaza Midwood’s LunchBox records.
Too pricey or too big a commitment without their input? Got it. Next on your list, and HURRY for Christmas delivery, is a set of BEATS headphones. That’s right – several colors and price points to choose from, Beats by Dr. Dre. Order by 12/20 with 2nd day air. You can thank Crush Party’s Champagne Maker and her music blogging son, Hobbs of for both of these ideas. Or we can thank them, more precisely.
For a girlier version, how about these HEARmuffs from Neiman Marcus? Fur earmuffs with built in ear buds. $75.
Or give them some new tunes to wake up to, with this MP3 Alarm clock from Crate & Barrel – its retro style should appeal but it has all the digital stuff down.
Another Unisex Gift – The Gift of Exercise.
If they have a sport, you’re already set – so you’re probably not even reading this. But if they don’t or don’t have something year-round, how about a membership to any of the new, super popular work-out spots? Or even just a gift card for a couple of weeks to use on breaks? CROSS FIT is an easy option, but also consider FLYWHEEL (Cotswold & Blakeney) and the new 9ROUND kickboxing studios (Dilworth, Ballantyne and Steele Creek). Get them out of the house, for both your sakes.
Gifts for Girls – since this is what we do.

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