by Beverly Perkins
Most people think of the color RED when thinking of Valentine’s Day, but more and more brides are using it as their theme color of choice. Trending right now, a Red Wedding is striking, elegant and dramatic if done with taste and style. After all, according to feng-shui, the color red signifies love, romance, passion and strength. (It’s even been suggested that the master bedroom be painted red to ensure a never ending honeymoon.) From the gown, bridesmaids dresses, flowers, cake all the way down to the signature drink, a red wedding is not so difficult to pull off.
Here are our favorite photos pulled from the interwebs to inspire you if you’re thinking about the color red for your wedding theme. Perfect for Holidays 2013 or Valentine’s 2014, for any of you lucky enough to get engaged on the #1 Get Engaged Day Of The Year.
A Red Wedding Gown
A Red Wedding Cake
Red for the Wedding Party
Red Bridal Bouquets
Red Wedding Color Themes
Signature Drinks
Cranberry Margarita from Cocktails & DetailsThe Blushing Bride by celebrity event planner David Tutera
Cheers… now go live happily ever after.
* Various photos from Pinterest, Martha Stewart Weddings, Wedding Chicks and The Knot