Injectables Part Deux: Sculptra, Restylane, Juvederm: Discuss!

Go ahead and grab those skinny vanilla lattes ladies as we do have much to discuss in today’s “Coffee Talk”. I’ll wait.

 There are so many new products on the market today that it can be extremely confusing as to which is right for you. I’m going to try and make it simple with this Girlfriends Guide kind of Cliff Notes version, but we are going to focus on these top three: Restylane, Sculptra and Juvederm.

Our client, Elizabeth Rostan MD at Charlotte Skin and Laser is the cosmetic dermatologist of choice for many Charlotte women, including a few writers on this blog. First of all, we love the fact that Dr. Rostan administers and treats all her patients herself. You will not be passed on to someone certified to do a procedure. Whichever injectable you choose, Dr. Rostan will inject it herself with a gentle touch which is key. Dr. Rostan and her skilled staff are happy to guide you through the wonderful world of all skin needs.

First, let’s run down the medical jargon and turn it into English:

Sculptra is an injectable filler agent that contains microparticles of poly-L-lactic acid, which is biodegradable, synthetic polymer from the alpha-hydroxy-acid family. It’s best used for facial volume replacement in the cheeks, nasolabial folds, temples, chin, under eyes and brow bone. It’s unique because unlike other filler products after it’s injected and absorbed in the deep dermis it stimulates the cells that produce collagen and revolumize the skin. It is recommended that this treatment consists of two-three injection sessions approximately 4-6 weeks apart injected deeply so it becomes layered in the skin.

Restylane & Juvederm are both filler agents that consists of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a naturally occurring sugar found in the skin. This HA delivers nutrients and hydrates the skin by holding water and acting as a cushioning agent. They can both be used in a number of areas including lips, chin, under eye area/hollows, temples/brow, nasolabial folds and cheeks.


I’m so confused, what is the difference between Botox and fillers?

For starters, let’s understand that Botox/Dysport relax and soften overactive muscles such as smile lines while Restylane, Juvederm and Sculptra actually fill in shallow areas of the face or deeper lines.

If I want fuller lips, but don’t want to look like a fish, what should I use?

Definitely speak to the doctor for the best suggestion, but we’ve seen beautiful results with Restylane. Dr. Rostan hasn’t created anyone that now resembles Flounder from the Little Mermaid.

I’m so nervous, I need to have a glass of wine before I go to my appointment, that’s okay right?

Unfortunately, you must stop all alcohol intake 2 days prior for best results and less bruising. You may not take Vitamin E, aspirin, Aleve or Ibruprofin 1 week prior to your appointment either. However, Tylenol is okay. Just grab a girlfriend and do a bit of your yoga breathing and you’ll be fine.

Will I bruise?

Everyone reacts differently, but some may experience mild redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, itching, bruising or discoloration. I think many facial peels look a whole lot worse.

I like immediate gratification. How long until I see results?

Most of the time patients notice immediate difference in the areas treated with Restylane, Juvederm and Sculptra. However, when using Sculptra within a week following the procedure you will notice a decrease in volume of the area until the collagen stimulating process begins and over the next 4-5 weeks volume will be restored.


We told ya smoothing out those wrinkles is simple, and your face will be as smooth as but~tah  Make an appointment at Charlotte Skin & Laser today and tell them Scoop Charlotte sent you.

And again.just as Linda Richman would say, Talk amongst yourselves.

Charlotte Skin & Laser Dr. Elizabeth Rostan M.D.

130 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28207 SUITE #100


Also find them here on Facebook.


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This article was written by one of the many QC women who contribute to our website. They are out and about and around Charlotte digging up the latest & best scoop :)