When it comes to what to bring to college, the list can go on forever. If you’re an oldest child like I am, whose parents have never sent another kid to college, instead of narrowing down the essentials of what to bring- we end up bringing it all!
And if you’re an over-packer, something that I’m extremely guilty of which drives my parents crazy, then hopefully this post will help you prepare in a slightly more conservative manner. Even when you bring everything in your closet and half of it never sees daylight (trust me, this will happen), I’m confident these tips will help you keep things organized while crammed in the small box that we like to call a dorm room.
There are tons of places in Charlotte to help when it comes to organizing and packing – although most of the items below can be found at TARGET or THE CONTAINER STORE. Warning, though, some of my organization reco’s aren’t the most stylish things in the world – this post is about practicality and I promise, from my personal experience – a storage container may safe your life. Here are several things that you may not think of bringing with you:
FlipFOLD Laundry Folder
Sadly, college is the first time some of us have to do our own laundry, fold our own clothes and put them neatly into drawers (or containers). At the fast pace of college life, it’s easy to lose track, and clean clothes end up bunched together and tossed into a bin never to be seen again. With this practical laundry folder, you can fold anything from shirts to towels perfectly in a 9″ x 12″ easy-to-stack fashion. Easy to use and affordable at $20, it keeps the wrinkles out of your clean clothes and it saves you time. Order yours now from The Container Store!
A Small Fan
This small fan is exactly like the one I had in my dorm freshman year. Going to school at the University of South Carolina, I can tell you that the Columbia heat is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Living in a dorm that housed 17 other floors of people all wanting to crank the AC up all the way, this fan was a necessity. It sat on a table at the front of our room, facing us, and was always on. A couple of small fans have been my life savers and kept me plenty cool during the scalding months! You can find these anywhere from Target to Bed Bath and Beyond.
External Hard Drive
Freshman year of college, right after Winter Break, my Macbook froze one night and forced me to shut it down. After I tried to restart it, a gray screen popped up with a file icon with a question mark on the inside. When I took it to the Mac store the next day, they informed me that my computer had crashed and asked if I had an external hard drive. Unfortunately for me, no, and all my work from first semester was completely wiped. In addition to all my work, gone were the Microsoft programs, iPhoto, etc. If there’s one thing to invest in that will keep your computer safe from viruses and loss – get an external hard drive. You’ll be happy you did.
Jumbo Storage and Under Bed Boxes
Though most dorms provide you with a small dresser with a few drawers per roommate, these are definitely not enough. Closet space is also limited, and hanging space must be reserved for clothes that have to be hung, i.e. a nice linen dress that wrinkles easily, a silk top, etc. These jumbo boxes were a cheap, great buy freshman year of college, and continued to serve as great organizers when I moved into the sorority house sophomore year. Most dorm room beds can be adjusted to the height you’d like, so I made my bed just high enough to store these boxes right under my bed. They were accessible, but out of the way. You can find them at any store like The Container Store or Target.
Over door Shoe Rack
This is one of the items that I was referring to when it comes to something you might not think to bring! Like I’ve said before, closet space in a dorm room is limited, so why not make use of the closet door?! Shoe racks are easy to hang and come in different styles that can hold a various number of shoes (or whatever else you want to slip into the pockets). Not only is a shoe rack great when it comes to organization, but it helps with clutter as well because your shoes aren’t lying around all over the place – your welcome mom.
Picture Fastener Strips
Many dorm rooms don’t allow for nails or tape on the walls, so alternatives are a must. Obviously dorm room decorating is the key to making your college living space reflect your personal style, and you simply can’t do without wall art! Whether it’s a poster of your favorite band or a framed picture collage, there are tools like picture fastener strips that allow you to put decorations on the wall, and don’t leave a mark when it’s time to take them down.
Twin XL Bedding
This dorm room necessity is one that has no ifs, ands or buts about it. Dorm room beds require sheets that are twin XL… not twin, not queen…twin XL. Yes, it’s an awkward size, no, the cute styles in twin XL bedding are not always the most affordable, but we all deal with it for at least the first year. The picture listed above is an adorable Trina Turk set from the Trina Turk website itself. However, Target sells much more affordable twin XL bedding as well as places like The Company Store.
Comfortable Desk Chair
Some dorm rooms come with desk chairs, but for the ones that don’t you must invest in one. You’re going to spend a lot of time glued to your desk chair, so It’s important to have a chair that’s comfortable. It can even be stylish, since when you friends come hang out in your dorm, your desk chair will turn into necessary seating.
Command Hooks
Command hooks are an inexpensive must – great for hanging purses, jackets or even towels. Like the picture fasteners listed above, command hooks have an apply strip on the back which allows removal at the end of the year without nail holes or ripping the paint of the dorm walls. Command strips are cheap and the more the merrier! Again, closet space is limited, so often times a hanger that you may think to hold purses may be better suited holding your favorite top.
Full Length Mirror
Many dorm rooms come as few accessories as possible. This includes one, waist up (if you’re lucky) mirror in your bathroom which seems to become more crowded with girls on the hall, or maybe just your roommate, as the days go on. Investing in a full length mirror for yourself is not only a great way to take up some wall space, but it avoids waiting your turn to use the mirror. Not to mention, it’s nice to take a full look at your outfit before heading to a party or downtown for the night. Nothing like being proactive and creating your own personal space in a dorm room.
Brita Water Filter
Depending on what size the mini fridge in your dorm is, there’s a Brita Water Filter in the necessary size. These water filters are eco-friendly and save you money in the long run. Think of the plastic water bottles you won’t have to dispose of!
In Drawer Makeup/Jewelry Storage
This might be one of my favorite things I bought my freshman year for my dorm. Drawer organizers are a cute, easy way to store your makeup and jewelry out of the way. I personally used it for my jewelry and stuck it in the top drawer of my dresser. There are a ton of different styles and sizes you can get and you can organize your items any way you’d like. Personally, I love layering and stacking necklaces…it’s rare that I leave the house without a necklace on. So I have a ton of necklaces, and with these organizers I was able to lay my necklaces down flat without having to worry about throwing them in a jewelry bag to get tangled.
Adapter Cable
It’s hard to believe, but this small cord could’ve been one of the smartest things my roommate thought to buy for college! When it comes to TV channels in a dorm room (should you have a TV in your room), limited is an understatement. Luckily, there are amazing little cords called adapter cables that allow you to hook up your computer to your TV and you can watch DVDs, Netflixs or even use your computer via your TV. It’s much easier and more convenient than having to lug a huge DVD player into your dorm, and not to mention we’re working with space restrictions here. You can find an adapter cord at stores like Best Buy.
Bed Shelf
At this point in my post, you know that finding a place to store your things is always a challenge of dorm life. This small shelf to place behind your dorm bed is a great way to keep your essentials close by and out of the way. Small shelves come in a number of styles and heights that fit right behind the head of your bed and are high enough that you won’t be constantly knocking things off. Whether you use it for storage or decorative purposes with picture frames and a small lamp on it, you’ll be happy to have your items close by.