I didn’t lose 12 inches during the FlyBarre Challenge. Instead, I gained.
Gained… Confidence. Strength. Grace. And the ability to wear colored leggings.
Confidence in who I am as a work in progress. I still struggle with third thigh and have yet to do 1 full range push-up on my toes much less 8. But, I actually know how to do third thigh now and attempt to do push-ups on my toes. Six weeks ago neither of these would have been considered. Not because my body couldn’t do them; but because my mind would tell me I couldn’t.
Strength in my body and allowing it to outweigh my mind. Do you know how hard it is to hold plank for 4 minutes? H.A.R.D.D.D.D. What I’ve noticed is when I take the time to feel my core tightening and my relax into my straight form, my body can hold me a lot longer than my mind wants.
Grace in how I treat myself and how my instructors teach me. There were moments throughout the six weeks I wanted to bail on class, especially at 4:50 a.m. when my alarm blasted into the serenity of my sleep. It was during these times that my 6 a.m. instructor would text me telling me to “wake up it’s time for FlyBarre!!” Or, when I was in my 3rd class of the week after a 12-hour work day when an instructor simply said my name and “good job” to get me through isolated arms. Because of their example and encouragement, I began to learn to have some grace with myself. I couldn’t be great every day; but I could be present and participating.
And the ability to wear colored leggings just makes me happy. Yes, black hides our flaws better than bright pink. But, with the FlyBarre Challenge I had fewer lumps and bumps to hide…
The next FlyBarre Challenge will be here before we know it. And I want you to think about participating in it. I created a few tips for you to help you get through it all:
1. Making faces at yourself in the mirror makes the exercises more bearable.

2. Color. Wear color. Unless you don’t like color. Then call me & we’ll discuss why you are so sad.
3. Do push yourself. You’ll be surprised at your strength.
4. Paint your toe nails. You look at them a lot. Maybe write HAPPY on each toe to psych yourself UP
5. Talk to your instructors and fellow Challengers. Community makes anything better.