So, it’s not really our official role to keep you in a semi-hipster state of informed. But if not us, who? It’s not like you have friends posting belfies now, do you? At least let’s hope not. Here is the scoop on a few things the cool kids are up to these days. Get your hashtags ready.
THE APP for THAT THING when you see someone wearing something cute and the stalker in you is too shy to march up and ask her where she got it. But not too shy to snap a pic on your phone. The newest fashion app is ASAP54 and with it you take a photo of an item of clothing and surf through the 700,000 item database to find something similar. The app uses image recognition technology and pulls items from over 150 retailers, including Barneys, Net-a-Porter, J. Crew, TopShop, and Forever 21. iPhones only for now, but big plans to come.
SLEEVEFACE. I love this one. Only in our instagram and tumblr world. The record-sleeve-to-face selfie phenomenon. I learn from Erica at Honestly “The term was first coined in 2007 by Welsh DJ Carl Morris after pictures were taken of him holding record sleeves to his faces. An official Sleeveface blog followed in 2008 and the rest is hours of entertainment history.” Here are some fun ones – how did we not see these before now?
NORMCORE. The latest youth style that’s been hot in the news in the past weeks. Selfawarely unselfaware fashion staters determined not to be branded, pigeon-holed, labeled, categorized. Bland and non-brand to a fault. Think Jerry Seinfeld and mall-clothes. Mixing unidentifiable middle class brands and no-styles. A thoughtful mash up of god-forbid things that will make you cringe and makes them feel shiny & new. The Cut says mock turtlenecks with Tevas, track shorts and Patagonia windbreakers; Uniqlo khakis with New Balance sneakers or Crocs and souvenir-stand baseball caps.
BELFIES. No photos here, thank you very much. Just an fyi, in case you find your teenage son searching the hashtag on instagram. Butt selfies. Why you ask? We have no clue.