How can you possibly thank the person who carries another human being with your DNA for 9 months while swelling like a sea cow and then delivering this beautiful healthy bouncing baby after countless hours of labor? Epidural or no epidural, C-section or not, labor is a labor of love. Â Of course, a baby is the most precious gift anyone can receive, but so are jewels! See what our client DIAMONDS DIRECT suggests for the best “push presents“.
Diamonds Direct has a huge inventory, one of the largest in the south, and plenty of options and ideas for the best “mommy” present. Although they cannot guarantee that your baby will sleep through the night, Diamonds Direct guarantees a risk-free shopping environment, complimentary service after the sale and special financing with approved credit.
For the perfect “Push Present,” send your baby daddy this post, share on your news feed and leave your laptop open on this page. If that’s not enough, when you send him out on an ice cream run, just send him directly to Diamonds Direct. Diapers and diamonds are a winning combination. Congratulations!
Diamonds Direct has a wonderful selection of memory gifts like crosses, monogram pendants with the baby’s initial, pearls and diamond drops.

Another popular choice is to pick a piece of jewelry in your baby’s birthstone.
January ~ Garnet

February ~ Amethyst

March ~ Aquamarine, Bloodstone

April ~ Diamond

May ~ EmeraldÂ

June~Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite

July ~ Ruby

August ~ Peridot, Sardonyx

September ~ Sapphire

October ~ Opal, Pink Tourmaline

November ~ Topaz, Citrine

December ~ Turquoise, Blue Zircon, Tanzanite

4521 Sharon Road Suite #101 Charlotte, NC 28211
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