Oh yes, they’ve done it now. Liz & Clary have pretty much eliminated every excuse you have for not embracing the HILLIARD STUDIO METHOD workout routine. Too busy, nope. Not in town, nope. Too pricey, nope. Too intimidating, nope. Too many gorgeous women in amazing shape? Well, yes. But in this case, only you and your reflection in the mirror, my dear.
HSM has created 5 short Video [vimeo] work-outs which can be yours for only $7.99 each. Twenty minutes a piece, pulled out of their Total Body Workout Video. Efficient and powerful, you can get it done in 20 minutes or less with these “shorts.” Chisel your arms, lift your seat, develop long lean muscles in your legs, strengthen your back and flatten your abdominals. Do just one or combo a couple. Do all five for a full hour or maybe do arms & abs one day and legs combined with rear the next. Start every day with their 8 minute Planks & Push Ups vimeo and I’m pretty sure it will change your life.
As much as I like going to the HSM studio, I know I am going to like having a little “Liz fix” for those days when I can’t make it to any of my various workouts. And if you can’t quite wrap your mind or your time around hitting the studio several times a week to be in your best shape, then snap up a couple of these Video Shorts and work your body on your own time, at your own convenience.
Don’t forget to tell ’em scoop sent ya!