If you haven’t heard of #GivingTuesdayCLT you will soon. This global day of giving is happening in Charlotte on December 1st in a big way.
Giving Tuesday started four years ago as a joint project between by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation. It quickly went global as countries around the world welcomed the idea of a day devoted to giving back, after the consumerism and commercialism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Locally, the movement is led by SHARE Charlotte (if you haven’t met them, please check them out) with presenting sponsor Google fiber. This year we have over 108 nonprofits participating. So it’s big, it’s awesome and Charlotte is about to knock it out of the park: they are aiming to raise $2 million for the Charlotte nonprofit community.
This isn’t about giving big, although Charlotte’s hardworking nonprofits would welcome that. It’s really about giving what you can, how you can. A lot or a little, time or money – it all adds up. In fact, there are three ways to give. You can donate money, volunteer your time or – one of our favorites – shop for the items nonprofits need the most!
Over the next three weeks, SHARE Charlotte will let you know how you can make a difference and have fun doing it on scoop. Meanwhile, here are three ideas to get you started:
Join SHARE Charlotte at Heist Brewery November 10th from 5pm to 9pm to kickoff the campaign
Follow them on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and #getyourgiveon
Sign up for weekly updates to stay on top of #GivingTuesdayCLT and other good stuff happening in Charlotte.
#GivingTuesdayCLT Website || SHARE Charlotte Website