Charlotte’s favorite Dad Band, The Bad Daddies, are celebrating their 15th anniversary with a blowout performance on Feb 20th at the Grady Cole Center. Join hundreds of local fans and supporters and help these successful locals play to benefit the Community School of the Arts and Cookies for Kid’s Cancer.
“The Bad Daddies are a five-piece rock-n-rolla-funk-n-disco-make-you-shake-it party band based in Charlotte, NC and barnstorming through villages, hamlets, cities and towns across the Southeast.” …..BD website
This is definitely gonna be a par-tay. Prior “banniversaries” for the band’s 10th and 12th saw packed nights at Visulite and vodka outages by 10 PM. “This will be an old-school rock show complete with smoke machines, lasers and multiple costume changes. We may even have a few special surprises in store!”
Tickets ($25) for the event can be purchased HERE.
Enter to Win a 4-pack of tickets courtesy of scoopcharlotte – entry deadline is this Wednesday 2/17