American Girl never disappoints and this week the newest BeForever girl will make her debut at the Charlotte American Girl store. We reached out to our friends at South Charlotte Macaroni Kid for the scoop on the latest American Girl and how to meet her.
Melody Ellison, a young girl growing up during the 60’s in Detroit will bring to life a turbulent time in American history. While growing up in Motown, Melody faces the harsh reality of being a young African American during the civil rights movement. Melody’s story is able to bridge the past and the present for girls and help them understand how our past impacts our world today. Melody will teach girls today how to stand up for what is right no matter how small you are. She proves that no matter who you are, all people are able to do extraordinary things.
In addition to Melody’s line, American Girl is also launching the #liftyourvoice campaign. Lift your voice is a chance to girls to show videos and photos of ways that they are making a difference in the world.
Melody will be in the Charlotte American Girl store as of Thursday August 25, and to celebrate her arrival the store has a great lineup of events starting August 26th.
On August 26-28 at 10:00 AM, Charlotte area girls are invited to Melody’s Summer Block Party. Girls will be able to get a glimpse into life in the 60’s. Activities will include 60’s inspired food, music and decor. Limited number of t-shirts will also be distributed.
Thanks to our friends at South Charlotte Macaroni Kid for the scoop on the latest from American Girl. For more family friendly events and activities check out South Charlotte Macaroni Kid!