If there is one thing we love at Scoop, it is both shopping and dogs. So nothing makes us happier than walking into one of the Charlotte boutiques and being immediately greeted by a four-legged sales associate. Proper merchandising begins with the shop dog and these furry associates are at the top of their sales game:
Meet Luna – the 13 week old Shih-Tzu that holds down the fort at KK Bloom. Luna loves to follow everyone around while they’re shopping and model for Instagram shoots, obviously.
Name: Olive Breed: Boston Terrier Age: 10 Fun fact: She loves to wave crash at the beach! Favorite food: Treats! Favorite place to sit in the store: Her bed or beside the window in the sun
Meet Ruby! You can usually find her snoozing away in her bed, but Ruby gets so excited to greet the guests when they arrive. She loves to come to work everyday and waits for the magic words at home in the morning. Her boyfriend is our UPS guy Mike who calls her “girlfriend”. She also knows he brings her a cookie. She is a mix: cocker spaniel and king charles cavalier. Stop in a say hi to her. She works everyday but Saturday!
Meet Spotty Dog. He has been the Tiny shop dog since we opened. He lets people know when we are open and when we have a sale. He also lets small children climb on his back. We love him!
Timber, a mini doodle, is all business. He runs reports, manages the store and loves meeting new customers. Timber belongs to Lotus store manager, Krista Hanline Bergstrom.George, a shih tzu puppy, loves photo-shoot day at Lotus. He isn’t camera shy and loves a good filter. You can find him most days under clothing racks taking a snooze. George answers to Lotus owner, Jackie Rodney.
Cotton, is the 11 year old pup holding down the store at Onward Reserve. She is a a retriever mix and spoiled rotten. She loves her peeps and misses the kids when they are gone! She can often be found napping on their beds. Fun fact…she is afraid of cats. She likes her Blue Senior food, but prefers people food.
Callie-5 year old GoldendoodleElle-10 year old Black LabStella-2 year old rescue doggyLucy-8 year old Pomeranian
Here at the Scoop “Offices” we have our own Full Time Staff:
Spike the Cat.Ivy the Labradoodle and Oscar the Other CatFreddie the failed foster beagleCooper the spoiled yorkieTillman – the 25lb cat who thinks he is a dog