So maybe you read that I’m doing the WHOLE30 this month, mostly for health reasons but hoping also for the added weight loss benefit, of course. It’s a major change in eating, cooking and shopping, and kind of a pain, so I sure hope I get results. The one thing that bothers most folks is the NO ALCOHOL policy, but I’m used to that. I always do “clean living” in January with no alcohol; my friends all know to get drinks in before 1/1 or we’ll have to wait until mid Feb or sometimes even spring break for my drinks fast to break. I’m having a lot more trouble with the NO PREPARED FOODS and WHAT CAN I EAT IN THIS RESTAURANT quandary. And Breakfast.
If you’re not yet on a diet, or thinking of trying something different, we rounded up our most popular articles on diets and dieting below. Right now I am reading a new book called The Secret Life of Fat, so you can expect to see more posts on that topic soon. Meantime, Stay Healthy my friends.
Should you be doing a cleanse or a detox in this New Year?
Do you need a cleanse, a detox or both? Advice from the pros on what’s right for you.
What is the Scoop on popular diets like Paleo, Whole30, Military Diet, Raw Food, etc.?
What about the HCG Diet we’ve been hearing about?
What is the Scoop on buzzy supplements like GABA, Fish Oil, Creatine, probiotics, etc.?