Let’s Talk About School. What does STEM look like in CMS?

As you no doubt know, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. STEM schools are focused on these areas to teach a core curriculum through different techniques, and a STEM education integrates teaching and learning into the classroom. Problem-based experiences give students the opportunity to develop the basic skills and attitudes to apply STEM principles to solve real-world problems. 



STEM schools prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. With science, technology, engineering, and math built into their everyday learning, these students are ready to solve problems. STEM schools require thinking outside of the box, figuring out how things work, and discovering new ways to solve problems. This is where the future innovators grow. This is how jobs are created that do not exist today. 

STEM schools also have different concentrations in the subject areas of science, technology, engineering and math. Learn more about the Academy of Engineering, Academy of Health Sciences, Academy of Information Technology and Automotive Technology here.

CMS STEM Schools Kids Coding In School


Some STEM options to consider:


Billingsville STEM Academy (Elementary)

Opening in Fall 2017, Billingsville Elementary will be a new STEM school focused on health science. Renovations will be done to the school this summer in preparation for the opening. Billingsville is part of the Discovery Education STEM Network with a dynamic curriculum for STEM schools and a focus on health science. This Health Science magnet provides students with an overview of the health science field as they learn about the human body coupled with health and wellness. The school is just minutes away from Charlotte’s two largest hospitals, Carolinas Medical Center and Presbyterian Hospital, giving students access to health science professionals and cutting edge facilities to allow them to build connections between experiences in the classroom and the outside world. Learn more here


Code to the Future – Computer Science Immersion Schools: 

Computer science-focused elementary schools are new within CMS and there are two options for your elementary aged children! They are partnering with coaches from Code to the Future, a national provider of computer science immersion curriculum recognized by the White House, to bring this experience to CMS. Learn more here.


New: University Area Computer Science Immersion School (Elementary)

A new STEM school is opening for the 2017-18 year in the University Area! This school is located where Newell Elementary School was before it moved locations – 8601 Old Concord Rd Charlotte, NC. This school has open seats for the 2017-18 year. 


Paw Creek Elementary School

Paw Creek has introduced this new curriculum to students this year and they love it! This school has a neighborhood feeder pattern and will be a magnet program for the 2017-18 school year. Now is your chance to apply to grab a seat at Paw Creek.


Project Lead the Way – Career Technology Education Schools

Project Lead the Way is partnering with CMS to bring high quality, technology focused curriculums to our schools. Students are engaged in hands-on activities, projects, and problems. They are empowered to solve real-world challenges and are inspired to reimagine how they see themselves. 


Coulwood STEM Academy (Middle)

Coulwood STEM Academy has been incorporating STEM into the curriculum for two years and seen great results! Not only are the students engaged and thriving, the teachers are excited about what is happening in their classrooms. From drones to robotics to 3D printers, Coulwood has the gadgets that capture students’ attention and further their education. 

“These students are the inventors of the future. These students are the future of alternative energy sources that could one day save our planet.” – Janet Moss, Coulwood Principal

Learn more here.


McClintock Middle School (STEAM)

In addition to the Project Lead the Way curriculum, McClintock Middle School also has an arts-infused focus. The students performed the musical Annie this year! Parents, students and staff have been pleased with the STEAM education from McClintock Middle School for the last three years. 


Would your child be interested in a STEM/STEAM school?

Entry to these schools requires an application in the CMS School Choice lottery, which is open until March 29.

Visit CMSchoice.org for more information on the lottery and get your application started. 


2013 Science Fair at Morehead STEM Academy. Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology students (in white lab coats) are judges, along with adults.



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