Charlotte: the land of countless run club meet ups, spectacular trail routes, and fitness opportunities at what seems like every beer establishment in town. I’d say it’s very easy to be a runner in this city!
I’m a huge fan of trail running and it’s something that I think people shouldn’t have such a fear of. It’s so much better on your body than constantly pounding the pavement and I mean, you are constantly stimulated with gorgeous views. My two favorite local trail running areas are the Whitewater Center and Latta Plantation. But if you can make it out to western NC you will have some of the most rewarding trails in the state.
For road running ~ next time you want to spice up your training I recommend hill repeats on the Hillside Rd hill (right off of Park road) or of come run with some awesome people at the Legion Brewing run club on Thursday nights.
It’s also important to remember to incorporate cross training. It’s fun to be able to mix up your training and try out different things. Personally, I still love to swim, but road biking and mountain biking are also great ways to mix it up. Hop on a bike and come do loops around the Booty Loop (Queens college) next time you are looking for a challenge. If you really want to experience a new type of challenge check out the sport of cyclocross and get inspired to try it out yourself!
But if yoga is more your thing, there are countless classes around town that you can take to really focus on what you want to get out of it. I recommend finding one that works on deep stretches and gets you to loosen up muscles you tend to overwork.
Just with all this relentless summer heat remember to stay hydrated! I recommend some Nuun Hydration and Honey Stinger waffles next time you are feeling drained.
Quick bio:
I grew up in Florida and have been in Charlotte for about a year. I come from a competitive swimming background and started doing triathlons when I was 12. I started getting into running when I graduated from the University of Florida in 2013. It was something I always wanted to get into but never had the time due to being on swimming and water polo teams my whole life.
Photographer credit: Sean Herring
Amelia Shea