MiddlePause. That’s a term I read yesterday when googling Turning 50. (although why I, having already done it, needed to google it, is a good question).
I like it though. Middlepause. I like that “50” would be the middle of life, so we’d live to be 100. And we’ll all be a spry 100 too, sound of mind and body, ’cause we are all, you know, obsessed.
I like that this is a time we all pause to take stock. Like it or not, reflection is just inevitable; it’s a big decade to turn.
I like its sly reference to our longtime companion, menopause, the harbinger of all things dreaded-old-lady-to-come.
And I like that it captures the sense that in your 50’s, as a woman, you are really in the thick of it. You’re at the top of that roller coaster ride, right there in the middle. You’ve been doing the long slow climb up…you’ve met, married, un-married, not-married, stuck-it-out. You’ve had and raised your children and a series of pets. You’ve ascended the ladder of your chosen career, and are hopefully reaping well-deserved rewards. You’ve found the friends who are the keepers, and you’ve found your social peeps, whether that’s at church, work, volunteering, bridge, or barre.
It’s time to enjoy that ride. A little scary at times, with a lot more ups and downs than the climb. Sometimes you’ll want to scream. It will all happen too fast. And certainly, the photos won’t be as flattering. But I like to think it’s the fun part.
{And I don’t mean the fun part like in those hideous Cialis commercials, where the retiree husband gazes playfully at the freshly showered & dressed wife trying to enjoy her breakfast coffee in peace. Only a man would create that storyboard.}
I mean the fun part as in:
- You won’t care nearly as much what other people think. It’s liberating.
- You have slaved and saved, and you can afford to splurge on experiences and indulgences. Without paying for a babysitter.
- You can go out on weeknights! You can take advantage of all those half-price nights you’ve read about but never did while the kids were little. However…
- FOMO shifts to FOGO. No one thinks it’s sad that you’re not out on a weekend night anymore. ‘Cause they’re in bed lights out at 10 pm too.
- You’ve spent a lifetime accumulating stuff, and you just don’t need to spend as much on material goods. Leaving more for quality vs quantity.
- You own actual vintage outfits that are back in style.
- You know what looks good on you. Hair style, hair color, clothing colors, dress v. pants, sleeves vs sleeveless etc. No need to fight the power. You can embrace it and rock it right on through your 80s. (check out this IG called Advanced Style).
- You will soon be finished with hot flashes, night sweats, etc. and you can skip birth control. Forevermore.
- Your kids are turning into awesome adults and soon, if not now, you can legally enjoy a drink with them.
- Awkward becomes quirky and quirky becomes cool as you age.
- Instead of hating parts of your body for their imperfections, you start to love your body for just still working, and working pretty well.
- Turning 50 is not nearly as ego shattering as turning 40. You’ve pretty much accepted that you are “older” not “younger.” You know you couldn’t pass for 30 no matter how much time & money you invest. What seemed just a little out of reach at 40, maybe if you tried just a little harder, is so much water under the bridge by 50. Whew.
Stay tuned. We’re in the middle of something great.