Happy 2019! If you’re looking for a little healthy-eating inspiration to kick off this new year, check out these seven local ladies. They’ll color your Instagram feeds with healthy choices, solid advice, beautiful photos, restaurant picks, and recipes.
Sarah Schlichter, Bucket List Tummy

Sarah is a registered dietitian and is full of awesome wisdom on intuitive eating. (she also does some writing for scoop ♥) Follow her for a mix of healthy and indulgent treats, inspiring quotes, and cute baby photos.
Gabrielle Walker, Mind Body Meal Prep

Gabrielle’s feed will make you crave healthy eats with her colorful shots and great eye. Follow her for dinner inspiration and tips on where to dine out, too.
Lindsay Kingdon, Seven Layer Charlotte

Lindsay gives us a peek at her adorable family and amazing meals she makes for them. Follow her for healthy and mostly gluten-free recipes.
Samantha Eaton, Healthy Eaton

Samantha is a local health coach who helps women take a non-dieting approach to a healthy lifestyle. Follow her for daily inspiration, and check out her website for details on her program.
Kiran D. Smith, Easy Real Food

Kiran’s feed and website are full of excellent recipes for “easy, real food.” Follow her for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sweet treat ideas.
Kristen, A Mind Full Mom

Kristen is a mom of two who features healthy recipes including super fun ways to cook with kids. Follow her for ways to make your family smile at the table (and for great Instant Pot tips.)
Virginia, A Balanced Self

Virginia makes healthy eating look easy with delicious ideas for all meals of the day. Follow her for a look into her balanced lifestyle and get the scoop on the ingredients she uses (she’s great about tagging the brands.)
This article is one of many we’re doing to highlight the Charlotte women doing great work to make our town the vibrant, growing, exciting place we all call home. While we are focused on female foodies here, we promise, at scoop we are all about the QC women, so you’ll be hearing a lot more from us on the topic of women who work in CLT over the next months. If we missed one or more of your favorite notables in this article, please share in the COMMENTS section below, so all can see and support.