Owlet Nature Play Dates
Reedy Creek Nature Preserve
Owlets receive hands-on craft experiences, nature hikes, songs, stories and free play.
Small Stalks
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
Explore nature through stories, song, plantings, crafts and play in Lost Hollow.
American Girl Book Club
Mint Hill Library
Kids are invited to American Girl Book Club.
Pandas in IMAX
Discovery Place Science
Explore another part of the world through the IMAX original film, “Pandas,” a breathtaking documentary adventure high in the mountains of Sichuan, China.
Family Storytime at International House
Plaza Midwood Branch
Visit International House to enjoy stories, songs and activities that support early literacy development.
Families on the Move Walking Program
Sugar Creek Recreation Center
Get moving in the lingering light with this free family walking program.
Health Fair for the Mind, Body and Soul
Beatties Ford Road Regional Library
Hear from health professionals, receive free health screenings, participate in exercise classes and learn about healthy food preparation.
A Bee-u-tiful Day for Bees
The Museum of York County
Attend a special performance by Carolina Opera Xpress, “A Busy Bee” at 11 a.m. A free ticket to the performance will be included with admission. RSVP to the link provided. York County Beekeepers Association will be at the site to share information about honeybees. Family friendly bee-related activities will be available during the event.

Migration Mission
Discovery Place Nature
Migration is a difficult and risky time, so why do birds make such an arduous journey? Play a game, and explore the reasons and hazards behind migration.
Adaptive Experiences for Children
Matthews Library
This library program is designed for youth with autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration issues, and developmental challenges.
Charlotte Knights Opening Weekend
BB&T Stadium
The Knights open against the Durham Bulls on Thursday. Celebrations (and games) continue all weekend.
Packing Party Meet the Village Moms Group
Blossom Tree Wellness (Huntersville)
The whole family is invited to pack baskets for Bless a Baby. Bright Blessings USA donates these items to shelters, domestic violence programs, temporary maternity centers and supportive housing communities. RSVP online.
Movies Under the Water Tower
Downtown Waxhaw under the Water Tower
Grab a chair and a blanket and enjoy a movie under the Water Tower in downtown Waxhaw.

Star Wars: A New Hope in Concert
Belk Theater
Luke Skywalker begins a journey that will change the galaxy as he leaves his home planet, battles the evil Empire, and learns the ways of the Force. Experience George Lucas’s 1977 classic film projected in high definition on a giant screen at Belk Theater as the Charlotte Symphony adds a breathtaking new dimension, performing John Williams’s epic Oscar-winning score live.
Charlotte Spartan Kids Race
Porter Farms
Obstacle racing at various distances and difficulties allows children of all abilities to come climb, crawl, run, get muddy and become a Spartan.
BEE the Change
Latta Nature Center
Trying to reduce single-use plastics? Create beeswax wraps to replace plastic bags and wraps in your kitchen. Children younger than 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
Mini-Masters Adult and Child Art Hour
Mint Museum Randolph
Little artists and their adult companions explore the museum galleries and create art! Projects vary each month. Registration required.

Tawba Walk Arts and Music Festival
Oak Street Mill (Cornelius)
Tawba Walk will feature two stages of live bands and performances, more than 100 local artists, food trucks, local craft beer, sidewalk shop specials, a kids’ zone and street art.

Peter Rabbit’s Garden Adventure
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
Bring the kids to meet with Peter Rabbit and his friends. The whole family will enjoy activities, crafts and live entertainment.
Caring Bunny at Concord Mills
Concord Mills
Families that have children with special needs can participate in the Bunny Photo Experience in a subdued environment. Register online.
Wellie Wishers Friendship Tea Party
American Girl SouthPark Mall
Put on your wellies, and reserve your spot for the tea party, which includes refreshments, crafts and cupcake-decorating.
Sensory Sensitive Sundays at Chuck E. Cheese
The restaurant will open early to cater to families of children with special needs. Families can expect smaller crowds, reduced lighting and noise, food and games, and specially-trained staff. Occurs every first Sunday of the month.

Disney Junior Music Play Date, Play Up The Music, SouthPark Mall, April 13
*All images sourced from Facebook/ website of events listed or free sources.