On a girls’ trip to a good friend’s home in the mountains, our host served this fabulous Italian pie. It was so good, I not only had seconds, but I woke up wishing I could have leftovers for breakfast. It is also the perfect effortless entreé as it can be prepared earlier in the day or well in advance and frozen. You can also prepare without the crust as a gluten-free alternative or without the sausage as a vegetarian option.

Italian Pie
Serves 6 Cantey BrownIngredients

4 cups zucchini, thinly sliced
8 oz Italian sausage
6 tbsp butter
1 cup chopped onion
2 tbsp chopped parsley
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp basil
¼ tsp oregano
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups grated mozzarella cheese
1 8-oz can crescent rolls
2 tsp Dijon mustard
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Lightly salt zucchini and place in colander. Place a small plate on top of zucchini. Drain for 30 mins. Remove and pat dry with paper towel.
In medium pan sauté Italian sausage. Remove and drain. In same pan, sauté zucchini and onion in butter until tender. Add parsley, salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil, and oregano.
In mixing bowl, combine eggs and cheese. Add sausage and zucchini mixture.
Press crescent rolls into 9″ pie plate. Brush with mustard. Add sausage and zucchini mixture. Bake at 375° for 25–30 mins. Cover loosely with foil if crust is browning too quickly. Let pie stand for 10 mins before serving.
- Recipe may be prepared earlier in the day. Refrigerate. You may also prepare well in advance and freeze. Thaw before baking.
- Recipe may be prepared without crust as a gluten-free alternative or without sausage as a vegetarian alternative.

DeeDee is the author of Effortless Entertaining, Open Your Home, Open Your Heart, and Give the Gift of Hospitality, your complete and beautiful guide for entertaining easily and graciously in your home with inspiring ideas and practical resources. DeeDee also speaks to groups of women sharing her Ten Steps To Effortless Entertaining.
To learn more about Effortless Entertaining or to invite DeeDee to speak, visit MyEffortlessEntertaining.com or email DeeDee@MyEffortlessEntertaining.com