Since it’s Back To School time, you may be thinking ahead about high school options for your newborn I mean kindergarten I mean Middle School child.
If boarding school has crossed your mind or come up in conversation, you probably have a lot of questions. Even though there are about 180 boarding schools around the country, many parents only know a few if any people who attended one.
You may have questions about Boarding School:
- Who goes to boarding school? Why do they choose to “go away”?
- Is it just for people raised in the Northeast? On an Ivy League track?
- Aren’t they very exclusive and expensive?
- Do they offer scholarships? Need Based? Athletic? Achievement?
- Do they recruit athletes?
- Won’t my child be so far away if they go to boarding school? Why do parents do that?
- When should we start looking and evaluating? Is it the same timing as high school applications?
- Are they all single sex or are there co-ed boarding schools?
- Does it start in 9th grade?
- Is there financial aid if we decide it is a great option for our child?
- What are the upsides vs a local school?
- Do they all look like Hogwarts?
You can learn about Boarding Schools first hand:
If you’ve been wondering if the boarding school experience would be good for, or appeal to, your child, the 2nd Annual Charlotte Boarding School 101 Info Fair is a great option for you and your family to learn more.
Boarding School 101 offers you the chance to attend at no charge a panel discussion and meet & greet with over 40 of the best boarding schools in the Eastern US. The list of schools attending is wide-ranging, diverse, multi-faceted and stellar. Check them out:
- Asheville School
- Avon Old Farms
- Baylor School
- Bishop’s College School
- Blair Academy
- Brewster Academy
- Chatham Hall
- Choate Rosemary Hall
- Christ School
- Darlington School
- Deerfield Academy
- Dublin School
- Emma Willard School
- Episcopal High School
- Foxcroft School
- Garrison Forest School
- The Gow School
- Groton School
- Hargrave Military Academy
- Holderness School
- Kent School
- Kimball Union Academy
- The Loomis Chaffee School
- The Madiera School
- McCallie School
- Mercersburg Academy
- Millbrook
- Miss Porter’s School
- New Hampton School
- Northfield Mount Herman
- Oldfields School
- Peddie School
- Pomfret School
- St. Andrews School
- St. Margaret’s School
- St. Mary’s School
- St. Timothy’s School
- Tabor Academy
- Trinity Pawling School
- Virginia Episcopal School
- Western Reserve Academy
- Westtown School
- Woodberry Forest
- White Mountain School
You won’t find a better list of Boarding Schools to meet & greet in Charlotte this year ~ or probably in recent memory. You can read more about each in our article HERE.
This is a pretty amazing group.
- 26 Co-educational Schools
- 7 Boys Only Schools
- 10 Girls Only Schools
Located in Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire AND Quebec, Canada.
You don’t have to be a parent of a current middle school student to attend. You can be an educator, tutor, guidance counselor, grandparent, nosy neighbor or interested party. Just remember to RSVP and we’ll see you there.