It’s with heavy, heavy hearts that we announce the closing of local shop The Pink Hanger ~ longtime client and favorite of scoop girls. UGH. Please shop the sale quickly to help them in their last days.
Pink Hanger Closing Sale (in store)
Yoga One also closing
Longtime studio Yoga One has closed both its locations, in Plaza Midwood & Dilworth.
LeighDeux Introduces the Angie Harmon Collection
Sometimes local Angie Harmon collaborated with locally owned LeighDeux Home & Dorm to launch a fab new collection of bedding & accessories. The theme is skulls ~ an Angie favorite, and here’s what they have to say about the style (which we love)
Designed around Angie’s affinity for the skull icon, this chic collection is a reflection of Angie’s love of edgy design and a chic nod to the fact that underneath it all, we are the same. Male, female, race, color, gender… When you strip it all down, at our core image, we are the same.
Here are just a few shots of the collection; see the works on the LeighDeux website here. The FACEMASKS!!! Already ordered ours.

New in to Shop at Paper Skyscraper

New Brackish Jewelry to Shop from Paul Simon Women

New Pretties to Shop from Bedside Manor


New in for Gifts & Home at Storey Home

Maui Tahitian Bracelet (silver pearl) : $45
Golden Goose for Girls On Sale Now at TINY CLT Plus 30% off Swim

New Summer Cuteness at KK Bloom