We’re barreling into August the best we can. School is going back, sort of. Many places are open, just in a different way. The lake is calling and is a great way to escape; below are a few things that may help you get through the month and have a little fun.
Beer Trekkers Run Club
Lost Worlds Brewing
Every Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Things kick-off with one and three-mile treks. All paces and levels, runner and walkers, and four-legged friends welcome.
Taco Wednesdays
King Canary Brewing Company
Wednesdays, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Tacos aren’t just for Tuesdays, every Wednesday catch the Tacos on the Road Food Truck also including quesadillas, burritos, chips, salsa and guac.
Outdoor Yoga
Eleven Lakes
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
All levels welcome – styles include Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Power, Yin, and Restorative, bring a mat – cost includes a pint. Namaste.
Dance, Dance, Dance
Primal Brewery
Friday, August 14, 5:00 – 11:00 p.m.
For those that had a birthday between March 14 – August 14 to celebrate. No Forks Given food truck and DJ Festivus will be on site, and there will be a selfie wall to capture the fun.
Dog Days of Summer!
D9 Brewing Company
Saturday, August 15, 3:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Bring your D9 dawgs to celebrate with dog portraits, yappy hour treats, and Zima’s Steamin Hot Dogs (for the humans).
Drive-In Movie in Old Town Cornelius
Lake Norman YMCA
Saturday, August 15, 8:15 p.m. (movie starts closer to 9:00 p.m.)
Space is limited, so make sure to pre-register. Upcoming schedule: Aug 15 Ghostbusters (1984), Aug 22 Avengers Endgame (2019), Aug 29 Dirty Dancing (1987), Sept 5 Toy Story 4 (2019).
Huntersville Summer Drive In Movies
Saturday, August 15, 7:00 p.m.
Historic Rural Hill
Load up the fam – it’s one ticket per car (not p/p) to see ‘Onward’. Food and beer + wine concessions available for purchase.
Patterson Drive-In Opening Night
Saturday, September 12
Patterson Farm Market & Tours, Inc.
Park on the grass and enjoy farm-favorite concessions like kettle corn, fresh squeezed lemonade, and much more.
Lake Norman YMCA VIRTUAL Triathlon presented
Lake Norman YMCA/ Virtual
Saturday, August 29 – September 12
Swim, bike and run your way through this annual triathlon race over the course of two weeks. Participants can complete their event at any time during the dates and can break segments up to complete the race.
Adult Virtual Triathlon: Swim – 750 Yards | Bike – 12.7 Miles | Run – 5K
Kids Virtual Triathlon: Swim – 100 Yards | Bike – 3/4 Mile | Run – 1/2 Mile
Virtual 5K
Virtual 1 Mile Fun Run
Kids ARt-of-DIY Educational Series
AR Workshop Davidson
New ARt-of-DIY educational series will get kids (ages 8-14) excited about do-it-yourself design. During eight weekly sessions, lessons will cover basic tools, safety, techniques, color theory, up-cycling, hand lettering and careers in art.
Educational Days
Confetē Soirée and Play
The new drop-off educational care program is designed to help working parents manage students who are learning via home/virtual school during COVID-19, with some scheduled play breaks. (Must be K – grade 5).
Lap Swim
Lowe’s YMCA
Need to get a few laps in? Check-out the pool schedule and cool off while also getting in some exercise.
Huntersville’s Growers Market
Saturdays in August, 8:00 – noon
There’s only a few Saturdays left to shop and support farmers and artisans from the LKN area.
The Davidson Farmer’s Market
Saturdays, 9:00 – noon
Back and better than ever, shop for all-things local with everything from soap and sage to eggs and fresh-made empanadas – pre-order options are still available.
Open Swim – New Dates Added
Sundays in August
The Quarry at Carrigan Farms
There’s still time to take a socially-distanced swim in the quarry with new dates added. Reserve a time slot online to make sure you get a spot.
Adaptive Waterskiing
All levels, ages start at 2.5
The Lake Norman YMCA
In partnership with Carolinas Rehabilitation, provides an adaptive waterskiing program for adults and children with disabilities. Through water skiing, participants gain the self-esteem and confidence that comes from being independent and away from the wheelchair. Contact the Y to check for spots still available this summer.

LNP Friday Morning Nature Hike
Latta Nature Preserve
Friday, August 28, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Enjoy some Friday fresh air and the biodiversity of everything from ferns to Piedmont prairie flowers. Guided by a naturalist, explore the trails learning about plants and preserving the environment.