Ready to move to the next level with your career or small business? Enlisting the guidance and experience of a professional may be the push that you need to set yourself apart from the rest. These three Charlotte ladies can help with refreshed resumes, publicity for a small business, social media strategies and just about any business related challenge you are facing.
Have you used a professional career service to change courses or boost your business? We would love to hear about your experience, leave a comment below!

Grammar Chic, Inc. is a professional writing and editing company specializing in resume writing, content writing, ghostwriting, blogging, social media marketing, and more. The organization is skilled in helping individuals from varied industries to create content and strategies to suit your business.
Just a few of the services they offer from their professional writing team:
- Article and Blog Writing
- Resume Writing and Cover Letters
- Press Releases
- Social Media Content
- Scripts for Product Videos
- Editing of any content including manuscripts and marketing content
“When I needed to update my resume to reflect my executive experience and personal transition, I worked with Grammar Chic to craft a resume that reflected my values and experiences in an authentic voice. The service did not disappoint.” S. Despo

Jenny Melrose is a business coach, content strategist and podcaster with more than ten years in the online space she understands the constant algorithm changes and the importance of building your brand and business on a your own platform.
Jenny offers multiple ways to engage through her podcast, e-courses, one on one coaching and her new book; Influencer Entrepreneurs: The 4-Step Framework for Building Your Audience, Growing Your Business and Making Money Online.
Working with Jenny is by far the best decision I ever made for my business. Even after blogging for 5 years and having some paid brand jobs, there was so much I didn’t realize when it came to treating my blog like a business. I’ve gone on to triple the income I was making before working with Jenny or as my husband calls it P.J. (pre-Jenny). I cannot recommend Jenny and her brilliant programs more! It will be the best investment you make for yourself and your business!
Food Blogger, Veggies Don’t Bite

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Definita is a Publicity and PR coaching firm dedicated to perfecting and publicizing marketable stories rich with authenticity and passion. I started my business to Define You, my client or student, through your story. From there, we get your press for it – press that sales and builds raving fans.
I help women succeed in Charlotte through the work I get to do with them as their publicist or PR coach. And, let me tell you, they make it so easy and fun. As of my interview with you, I get the honor to showcase Charlotte women like Veronica Southerland, one of the country’s premier Healthcare Entrepreneurs & owner of the only black luxury wellness clinic in Charlotte, Erin Finnen, the best mortgage officer in the Carolinas, and Chrystal Rose, who has some (top secret) impressive coaching honors coming out soon. I’m honored to work with women and men all over the country but I’ll tell you… my hometown clients have been with me a long time and I appreciate their continued support of me. Truthfully, I help them succeed by putting their killer stories into the inboxes and DMs of people who cannot thank me enough for introducing my crew to them.

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