The Queen City’s Instagram is at its most delicious when showing off the glorious stomach-growling plethora of food-pic joy that Charlotte has to offer.
Who’s drool-worthy? Served up below are some of the must-follows. As Charlotte moves to rally the food service industry post-Covid, do your part and drool and swipe.
Find inspiration once again for all of the best spots for good eats:

Hallie’s our girl. Her feed @qccuisine is honest in a ‘let’s hang’ kinda way. DM her to meet for some eats. How cool is that?

Kenty’s account @kenty_eats is slick. Vibrate images keep us in awe. Food is showcased with crisp exposure. And he seems like a nice guy. We appreciate that.

We consider Yvonne & Jason friends. And *Ollie*. Their hungry pug. Cute dog and food pics? Yes, more. Bonus: @scallionpancake travels are starting up again, which we always enviously view.

Asha seems to always know what we are craving. Her feed @ashaeatsworld is almost a guide to what-to-grab-on-the-fly. Easy.

Shionda Farrell (Shay) shares a little fashion. A little food. A little where to be — everything that Charlotte represents ~ @shiondafarrell is basically our spokesfoodie. Is that a thing?

We appreciate @charlottefoodieb for her honest vibe. She doesn’t mince words. Or reviews.

Lots of sweets. Lots of pizza. Lots of coffee. Kayla gives us everything we crave at @kaylathefoodie.

She stopped us scrolling with a glass of bourbon. We’ve stayed for all the classic shots. @finer_with_thyme showcases beautifully. Truly fine.

@eatsofCLT for the perfected handheld sandwich and cookie shots. There’s an art to it.

Not sure what we try to emulate more — @thesweetseoul‘s food orders or fashion choices. We are big fans of it all.

Allie is Scoop family. She calls all the foodie must-knows. We rely on her more than she realizes. You should as well. @EatDrinkCLT is legit. Check that dressing drip.

It’s increasingly hard to stand out on Instagram. @clt.remedy is a sibling duo that has made it. Two of everything? How adorable are they?

@spacekaseclt‘s youthful take on where to roam isn’t hard to stomach. Kasee feels approachable and her feed is beautiful. Just like her.

We follow Cory @dailyspecialclt for his boats and boats of food. And his fun take on all things must-eat. His following is impressive. Are you one?

Rémy Thurston @remythurston is a Charlotte personality unlike the rest. A commercial photographer, his instagram has a European food vibe — bread, meat, good eats. We follow his wit as well as his appetite.

Perfect pairing? Rémy’s wife, Katie with Cravings @katiewithcravings, is a nutritionist highlighting yoga, inspo, and self care. Rémy is a lucky guy.

Wynee is our TikTok girl. She’s making Charlotte proud. But her Instagram is her home-base with all the best foodie shots. @wyneesworld indeed.

Sometimes it’s all in a name. Tanya is @poprockphotography. She’s a food lover. She’s a photographer. She’s a friend. Her feed is genuinely refreshing.

Boxes of donuts pics are why we do Instagram – right? Jenna @foodjennaeats takes this fact seriously and delivers. She’s sweet.

Yoga poses and healthy eats is Tarra Ashton. We know her. We feel her vibe at @QCyogi.foodie. Her ‘playlists’ under her story bubbles are cherry-on-top content. Namaste.

We save all of Jess’ glorious, crispy, salty, cheesy food pics for future reference. Every. Time. @sliceofjess consistently posts the best-of the best. Follow for her recipes though. Must makes.

@BestFoodFeed is a collaborative community feed. You will be overwhelmed, in the best way, with stunning images. Good thing calories aren’t digital. Yet.

No small portions here. Full plates and we follow every bite. @whatinit_clt is a curated mix of delicious and tempting. Just like us.

A girls gotta eat. And drink. @cltfoodgirl gets us. She’s out there doing the heavy tasting and we thank her.
Follow along. Because life, in Charlotte, is what happens when you are following CLT foodie Instagrams.