Whether you’re a novice or bonafide botanist, knowing the numbers helps ensure successful plantings. In Charlotte we are considered to be in Zone 7b: 5F to 10F. What does that mean we hear you ask?
Essentially the zones are based on a map of hardiness. Use it as your standard guide to identify which plants will thrive in our area. The map is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, divided into 10-degree F zones.
You can check it out here, but we recommend popping into Blackhawk Hardware to speak with local experts who can really help customize your crop.
As a general rule the following plants delight in our Carolina climate:
- Roses
- Begonia
- Sunflowers
- Camellias
- Jasmine
- Hostas

Also consider planting by sun / shade:
Sun: drift roses, Gardenia, Viburnum, Magnolia, Limelight Hydrangea, Oakleaf Hydrangea
Shade: Hydrangeas(Mopheads), Anise, Osmanthus, Japanese Maples
Sun: Foxglove, coneflowers, peonies, bleeding heart
Shade: Hosta, Astilbe, ferns, coral bells, columbine

Living here you also know that May showers bring… mosquitoes! There are many plants that thrive in our area that work as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes and other bite-ies… as well as several that are beneficial to the friendly ‘bugs’ such as pollinators and provide a respite for migrating species.
Best plants to repel bugs + mosquitoes:
- Citronella
- Lavender
- Marigolds
- Rosemary
- Basil
- Mint
The best way to attract the friendlies including native bees is by planting a pollinator garden filled with native plants and a mix of perennial and annual flowers.
Consider planting colorful:
- Asters
- Salvia
- Butterfly bush
- Milkweed

You need to plant perennials – many bloom more than once throughout the season, and in the Carolinas have what is considered to be an extended bloom season.
Look for coneflowers, sunflowers, salvias and then add in some annuals for more layers of color (because they will bloom at different times.) Some annuals we love:
For Sun: calibrachoa, petunias, verbenia, marigolds, begonias(red/brown leaf), coleus
For Shade: Impatiens, Begonia(greenleaf), Torenia, coleus
However, if you want to be top dog on the neighborhood stroll go for the bigger blooms including hydrangeas (which look amazing right now,) hibiscus and some pretty petunias (which also work well in hanging baskets and containers – especially the purple variety.)

It doesn’t matter if you’re container gardening or filling a large lawn space… the quality of the soil is your ingredient for success. You don’t need a chemistry degree but you do need to pay attention to the numbers.
Fun fact: North Carolina has more than 400 different types of soil… but what the average home gardener needs to know is that soil falls into three main types: sand, clay and silt that when combined goes by the fun-to-say name of ‘sandy loam’. This three-part mix is generally considered best for blooms.
What to dig for when selecting soil:
- Water retentive but not soggy (think: well-drained and gritty – it should crumble when you touch it)
- For flowering opt for nutrient-dense (note that some of the herbs and wildflowers we listed do not need as many nutrients)
- pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. (this is a good range of acidity)
- Just like our bones, plants need calcium to help them get out of bed in the morning. Calcium in the soil keeps the chemicals in balance and helps water and oxygen reach the roots.

Ask. Gardening isn’t cheap and there are few things sadder than a plant that never sprouts. Asking local experts improves your chances of success and ensures that you’re investing in all the right things to get the results you want.

Blackhawk Hardware has been a family-owned and “mismanaged” hardware store in Charlotte’s Park Road Shopping Center since 1977. Blackhawk is known for its wide array of housewares, lawn and garden supplies, hardware, seasonal merchandise, paint, electric and plumbing products. Recently completing a two-story expansion to offer even more products, Blackhawk Hardware is a one-stop-shop for customers looking for unique items and essentials for their home and garden needs.
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