Getting ready to host for the Holidays? Same.
Nothing like having company to make you rethink your entire decorative and house-cleaning schemes. If you’re looking for something new for your rooms, you can’t beat ABODE on East Blvd. Here’s what we shopped there this week:

Statement Accessories

Hostess with the Mostest

Statement Lamps

Pillow Love

For the Walls

Mary Miller, owner of Abode’s two NC locations (as well as a store in FLA), has been in the interior design business since 1983. You’ll find transitional and vintage home furnishings and accessories at the shop, unique art & accessories, and a perfect pop of color for your home.
CHARLOTTE: 1530 East Blvd | 704.332.3731
LINVILLE: 4004 NC-105, Suite 1 | 828.898.4449
Read more about Mary’s Design Business Here
Shop on their website HERE
Check them out on Instagram HERE