Even those of us who are confident about our fashion choices (#lucky) could occasionally use a little shopping help ~ what to buy new this season, how much to spend, what flatters our body best, how to update our look for a new job | new baby | new decade. Maybe you have a fashionable friend or brutally honest sister who’ll give you the straight scoop on what looks good on you, but maybe you’d like a professional opinion.
Enter SouthPark Mall’s complimentary personal shopping service.

SouthPark’s stylist and personal shopper, Suzanne Libfraind, can help you find the perfect look for a specific occasion, or shop for an entire updated wardrobe.
On hiatus for two years due to Covid, the SouthPark Mall personal shopping program and Suzanne are back and ready to help you refresh your style. Or, help you figure out what that style even is.
Before the break, Suzanne ran this service at SouthPark for almost seven years and consulted with over 400 clients. Men & Women. Rockstars, Stay-at-Home Moms, C-Suiters & Professionals, Special Needs Clients. She has 25+ years of experience in fashion and owns her own firm, Wardrobe Consulting.
The BEST PART? SouthPark Mall will cover the fee for up to your first 3 hours of shopping and styling with Suzanne at the Mall. (After that, her fee is $115 an hour).
Once you schedule your appointment with Suzanne, she’ll send you a few questions / little survey to get to know what you’re all about and looking for, so your Free Hours are put to best use. Things like what are your needs & goals, what is your budget, what are your likes & dislikes, etc..
Then Suzanne will shop for you, or with you, whichever you prefer. She can pull outfits in advance, or take you to various stores to pick out and try on items that she thinks work best for you. With Suzanne, you can access all the stores at SouthPark, including the Village Shops over by Cowfish and Crate & Barrel. She looks at you and your style challenge(s) with fresh eyes and an informed fashion perspective, and it’s a tremendous help.
She’s also honest and kind, easy-going and practical, budget-conscious, and very stylish in her own right. And she doesn’t make commission on what you buy, so you’ll get an unvarnished view without a lot of pressure to spend big. Unless that’s your goal. (#lucky).
Suzanne can also come over to your house for a closet review as part of your styling experience. (The fee for this type of off-campus visit is $115 per hour). This super-valuable and at the same time super-humbling process is where Suzanne takes all your clothing, shoes, and accessories and creates 3 piles: Keep, Toss(Donate), Refurbish. After this, you both have a clear picture of what you need to update your wardrobe or to find that perfect outfit for an upcoming occasion.
Sound like something you need to do? Absolutely. What do you have to lose after all? SouthPark Mall will cover the fee for up to your first 3 hours of shopping and styling with Suzanne at the Mall.

Email Suzanne to schedule an appointment, at suzanne@suzannelibfraind.com. Or give her a call at 919-270-0250 today.