Each spring The Mint Museum Auxiliary plans, produces, and hosts the Room to Bloom Celebration, a premiere fundraiser for The Mint Museum. Since its inception over 60 years ago, this effort has contributed over $15.9 million towards The Mint Museum including funds and acquisitions for the Museum’s permanent collection.
The capstone of the Room to Bloom is the Spring Symposium, a perennially sold-out coffee, lecture and luncheon held at the Charlotte Country Club. On April 10, 2024, the Auxiliary welcomes Carrier and Company’s husband-and-wife interior design duo, Jessie Carrier and Mara Miller to the Symposium.

That’s Nice of course, but… What to Wear
We recently asked several members of the Mint Museum Auxiliary to model Spring fashions fit for the Symposium provided by Neiman Marcus Charlotte ~ as always Neimans and the Mint members did not disappoint! Thank you to our models Ashley Flynn, Blair Scheuer, Margaret Janovsky, and Rebekah Alpert and to Aysha (@charlottestylist) stylist and personal shopper from Neiman Marcus who styled the fashions for this feature.

The seats for this annual event sell-out just from the membership alone, as it is always a beautiful event on a glorious Charlotte Spring morning with fellow supporters of local art and interior & garden design.

Membership application for the 2024-2025 class will open later this spring.
If you have any other questions about joining The Mint Auxiliary, please reach out to New Member Chair, Lauren Gilbert.
What is the Mint Museum Auxiliary?
Organized in 1956, the Auxiliary supports The Mint Museum by raising money to support educational offerings for the community and to fund acquisitions for the Museum’s permanent collection. The Auxiliary has grown from a small group of 60 women to 600 members spanning seven generations. The six-decade partnership between the Mint Museum and the Mint Museum Auxiliary has been rich, strong, and beneficial to both the Museum and the city of Charlotte.