Experience the power of Light Therapy at beem® Light Sauna, where the benefits work from the inside out.
You know how you just feel better somehow after spending some time in the sun? Well, that’s kind of the over-simplified principle behind the various Infrared Light Therapy treatments you’ll find at beem® Light Sauna.
The sun emits a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including infrared rays. Unlike harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, infrared rays are considered safe and can penetrate deeply into the body, providing a range of therapeutic benefits. beem® Light Sauna is able to tap into the full spectrum of infrared light, including near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared, to provide you a therapeutic and rejuvenating experience tailored to your specific needs.
While infrared saunas have become a buzz worthy topic in health circles, their rise in popularity is more than just a trend—it’s backed by substantial, science-driven results. Infrared sauna technology has a long-standing history, and has now gained mainstream recognition for its health benefits.

Infrared Sauna Benefits
- Detoxification: Infrared saunas work to increase your core temperature, which in turn makes you sweat. This helps to release toxins such as stored chemicals and heavy metals at a cellular level, deeply cleansing your body. (NIH)
- Stress Reduction: Just a few minutes in an infrared sauna can help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, improve your body’s stress response, balance your autonomic nervous system, and enhance brain function. (MHCA)
- Metabolic Boost: Regular use of infrared saunas have been found to provide similar cardiovascular benefits to running. As your body produces more sweat to cool down, your heart works harder to pump blood, thereby boosting circulation. This increase in metabolism can even help burn up to 600 calories. (InteractHealthPro)
- Skin Health: Sweating profusely in an infrared sauna is known to extract impurities from the pores of your skin. The infrared rays penetrate deeply into the epidermis and dermis layers of your skin, providing the most effective wavelengths for healing. This process also stimulates collagen production and helps to improve the overall skin tone, softness, smoothness, elasticity, clarity, and appearance of your skin.(ScienceDirect)
- Pain Relief: Infrared light penetrates tissue and muscles to relieve aches and pains caused by inflammation. It even addresses chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and inflammation. By delivering more concentrated oxygen through the cells, infrared sauna therapy can increase blood flow to the muscles, which in turn enables the body to heal faster. (NLM)
- Immune Enhancement: Infrared sauna therapy helps fortify your immune system through improved blood circulation and cellular oxygenation. Improved blood circulation allows for more toxins to be flushed out from the cellular level, through the skin’s surface, and out of the body, resulting in better overall cell health and a stronger immune system.(NLM)
Even Better ~ Now You Can Also Lose Inches
Try The New Viridescent Green Light Therapy at beem® South End For Weight and Size Reduction
The newest light therapy at beem® Sauna at the South End location is the Viridescent or “GREEN” LIGHT ROOM, where their clients have been experiencing impressive losses in the size of their thighs, waist, hips and arms.

When focused on a targeted area, green light therapy, at the precise wavelength and intensity required, safely penetrates fat cells and creates microscopic pores in the fat cells. This allows the fatty acids (lipids) to drain out and be converted to energy or eliminated from the body.
After only eight 20-minute relaxing sessions over four weeks, clients can expect to see a total circumference reduction in their thighs, waist, hips, and arms of 6-10″.
Some beem Light Sauna Southend clients have experienced as much as a 16″ total reduction after just four weeks of green light therapy.
beem Light Sauna Southend’s green light bed is registered with the FDA and there are no known contraindications. There are over 80 published studies and scientific articles that demonstrate the efficacy and positive results of green light therapy.
Why Does Green Light Therapy Work?
The technical ~ Green light wavelengths, typically 495 – 570 nm, penetrate the skin’s surface and interact with cells in our bodies. On a cellular level, green light exposure reaches the mitochondria and stimulates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production via cytochrome c oxidase (CCO). The simplified version ~ this means the body naturally increases healthy cell turnover resulting in cell repair, collagen production, and fat loss in targeted areas.
Interested in Green Light Therapy?
Or one of the other offerings at beem South End? They offer single, pay-as-you-go drop-in sessions, packages, and ongoing memberships.
Reach out today online here or give them a call at (704) 350-2512.
PLEASE NOTE: beem Charlotte only offers one Viridescent green light bed and reservations fill up quickly. If this is for you, don’t wait. Schedule your consult asap so you may reserve your sessions before the spots are taken.

beem® Light Sauna Southend Charlotte
The Railyard – 1422 South Tryon St. Charlotte. 28203
(704) 350-2512