Tag: 40th birthday

Let’s Say You’re Over 40. Here’s How To Drink Like A Grown Up in Charlotte

Goodbye loud crowds, parties and shots... You're looking for something more sophisticated and low-key. Here are our top picks for where to grab a drink when you're a...

Where to Host a 40th Birthday Party in Charlotte

We have broken down a few different ways for you to celebrate the big 4-0 in the Queen City.  Charlotte's certainly got a lot...

Turning 40? 50? How to Keep Those Arms, Knees and Belly Taut.

It's been said that "life begins at forty." Unfortunately, so do stubborn weight gain, unwanted sagging, and perimenopause - that dreaded transition into some...

Ideas for 40th Birthday Gifts to Give and to Get

Have girlfriends turning forty this year?  We've covered How to Celebrate in our 40th Birthday Parties post here. Not sure what to gift to...

Things Every Woman Should Know About Her 40s.

For women, midlife changes occur somewhere between the ages of 45 and 60, when you are "middle-aged". Fortunately "middle-aged" has been moving closer to...

Beauty Product Picks for The Almost and Over 40

The dreaded "Four-O" is creeping closer.  Eek!  And of course with that number hanging over my head, everything I read or watch is about hormonal changes and...

Here are Some Chill Outdoor Concerts & Music for Grown Ups in Charlotte This Summer

Fighting your way to the bar, shouting over friends, standing on your tip-toes just to catch a glimpse of the singer. Now that we think...

The Best 40th Birthday Party Ideas To Celebrate #40isfabulous

40 is the new 20, a sentence I now feel like I hear weekly. Is it true, or is it just because I am...

In Fashion, Is 40 the New 20? How to Dress The Best for Your 40s.

The 40s are the decade where the words "Just 'cause you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD" start to mean something. Women look fantastic in their...

The Scoop on Turning 40. Our 40th Birthday Series.

Lawdy Lawdy now you're Forty. It's a big milestone and definitely one worth celebrating. And we are right there with you. This is a great...

Getting a Good’s Night Sleep Over 40.

Women are known as the fairer sex, which is why it's truly UN-fair that we're twice as likely as our male counterparts to suffer sleep issues. According...

Best 40th Birthday Trips with The Girls

Forty is a big number and one you should embrace - and celebrate. (Don't even think about buying an "Over the hill" balloon.) Instead,...

Best 40th Birthday Trips When You Want to Blow It Out

Forty may be the new thirty but our tastes are a bit more refined these days, and the celebration should be too. Whether you go...